ACT 1776

Exhibit G

Teacher Preference Form


Name: _____________________________

Summer Address and phone # if necessary

Adress: ______________________________________

Phone: _______________________________________________________________________

Department: ______________________________________________________________


A) List Preference of Subjects You Would Like to Teach Next Year:

Grade(s)   Course(s)   Track(s)

1) _______________________________________________________________

2) _______________________________________________________________

3) _______________________________________________________________


B) Indicate your preference for service period:

(School to insert list of available service periods)


C) If assigned a homeroom, what is your preference for year:

Freshman ____ Sophomore ____ Junior ____ Senior ____

D) Special Request(s): ___________________________________________________


Teacher's Signature _____________________ Date ____/____/____

* Please return this form to your department head(s) by _________________
* Each teacher is advised to keep his/her own copy of this form.

Department Head's Recommendation: ____________________________________________


Department Head's Signature ________________________ Date ____/____/____

Teacher's Signature ___________________________ Date ____/____/____

The needs of the school shall take precedence over the Preference Form.

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